A damp-proof membrane (DPM) is a thin layer of waterproof material that prevents moisture from passing through a surface like a wall or a floor.
In construction, builders often use it to prevent dampness from causing damage to buildings and impacting their structural integrity.
Builders apply a damp-proof membrane to a surface before building construction, creating a barrier that prevents moisture from passing through to the inside of the building.

There are many benefits to using a damp-proof membrane, including:
– Prevents dampness from affecting the structural integrity of a building
– Helps to extend the life of a building
– Improves the energy efficiency of a building
– Provides a barrier against water and moisture
– Reduced risk of dampness and mould growth
– Reduced risk of structural damage
-Damp-Proof Membrane can help to prevent mould and mildew from growing in your home. It can also help to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
To install a DPM, you will need the following:
– A roll of DPM
– A sharp knife
– A tape measure

How to Install a Damp-Proof Membrane
Builders install damp-proof membranes between the foundation and the building materials. They place the membrane on top of the foundation and the building materials on top of the membrane.
Tips for maintaining your DPM:
– Inspect the DPM regularly for any signs of damage
– Repair any damaged areas immediately
– Keep the area around the DPM clean and free of debris
– If you are unsure about anything, seek professional advice
Materials Used in Damp-Proof Membranes
Manufacturers produce damp-proof membranes from various materials, including plastic, rubber, and asphalt.
The most common type of damp-proof membrane is the polyethene plastic type.